Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Welcome to our Half Acre Farm!

First I would like to say welcome to our Half Acre Farm blog. For those that do not know us I am Josh, my wife is Nicolle and we have 3 beautiful children named Isla, Aiden, and Evan!

OH and we can't forget Duke the family Yellow Labrador, who is a 20 week old puppy!

Now that the introductions are over I want to clarify (if the title hasn't done so already), we don't "technically" live on a farm. We live on a 1/2 acre lot outside of city limits in a very small 2 block neighborhood.....and we LOVE IT! We have chickens where the kids collect eggs and sell them, we have a berry patch that we planted last year and will hopefully get fruit from this year, we are putting in our first vegetable garden this year, and last but not least we are going to be adding an apple tree.  Right now, until I get some grand idea to expand with something else, that is what we like to call our farm.
So why start a blog? Why would anyone care what we do on our so called farm, right? Well, to answer these two questions that I know everyone is asking....Its not for you!!! OK I'm kidding.....sort of! I wanted to start a blog for two reasons, reason #1 is to help track progress on our own gardening so that I can document for future years the success/failures of certain things that we try. Reason #2, to share with everyone our success/failures!!! I hope that everyone finds this blog informative, maybe sometimes useful, and if nothing else a place to go for a good laugh! Also feel free to comment on anything that I publish with ideas, point out something I'm doing wrong, or to just say Hi if you want!
I look forward to sharing our journey of gardening, chicken farming, and preserving what we produce, and I hope all of you do as well! Happy gardening everyone!!!!

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